5 Nourishing Foods I Eat Daily

Sep 28, 2020

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Last updated on May 17th, 2023 at 02:41 pm

I am a self-proclaimed creature of habit – I love systems and routines to keep me accountable, structured, and this queues my brain for what will happen next. I typically do the same things daily, including eating these five nourishing foods in some form or fashion.

When it comes to eating nourishing foods, I try to eat breakfast within one hour of waking, then I have a mid-morning smoothie, and later I will have lunch. Typically, eating this way will leave me with a stable energy level for the rest of the afternoon (when I do the bulk of my nutritional therapy work). Then I eat dinner at around the same time every day.

It is important to understand that we are all bio-individuals. Basically, our different body types will thrive on various nourishing foods and nutrients. You can’t go wrong if your core foundation is to eat nutrient-dense whole real food. Your overall eating should be rich in both animals and plants. You can’t just have one or the other – they work together synergistically.

When I am home, I always try to include all of these nourishing foods daily as they leave me feeling my absolute best.

nourishing foods

Five nourishing foods I eat daily


Eggs are one of my favorite foods of all time and one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. I always tell my kids that they are set if they can get their hands on some pastured eggs when they are in college.

Did you know that eggs are a “complete” protein containing all the essential amino acids? This makes them such a beneficial food to eat every day. I notice a massive difference in myself (as well as my kids) when we start our day eating eggs.

My favorite way of eating eggs is a soft sunny side with a couple of bacon slices or an omelet stuffed with raw cheddar cheese and tomatoes.

Interestingly many people today have egg allergies or sensitivities. If you find yourself in this category, start investigating what the chickens ate because, often, the chicken feed can be the source of the reaction instead of the egg itself. Another thing to note is that sometimes people react to all the protein in the egg white but can tolerate the beautiful nutrient-dense egg yolk.

Eggs naturally come with the white part and the yolk – so please eat the yolks, friends!

Real butter

Most people who know me know that in my head, butter can fix anything. My husband and I always joke that our kids are free-range butter eaters because they will eat butter by spoon.

Quality healthy fats like butter play so many roles in the body. It helps to stabilize blood sugar, improve immune function, and fuel the brain. The beauty of grass-fed butter is that it contains more nutrients and conjugated linoleic acid than its conventional counterparts. All these extra nutrients have been linked to promoting weight loss, having anticancer effects, reducing food allergies, and supporting development in children.

In our home, we try to add butter to almost everything. For example, a big smear on some fresh grain-free banana bread and lots of butter on all our veggies.

Did you know that quality fats like butter are essential in building all our happy hormones and their precursors? Women also typically need to eat more dietary fat than men.

nourishing foods

Orange juice

We have all been taught that orange juice is such a villain. When the truth is that it can be a wonderful addition to healthy eating when paired correctly. However, problems arise when store-bought orange juice is pasteurized while adding extra artificial sweeteners. This process removes many beneficial nutrients and minerals from orange juice.

We do loads of freshly squeezed orange juice in our home. We either drink a small cup with our nourishing breakfast or paired with a scoop of collagen and some raw cream. Pairing carbohydrates, protein, and fat stabilizes blood sugar while the minerals nourish and fuel cells.


Smoothies are another one of my favorite eats (or drinks) because the varieties are endless. I love having a mid-morning smoothie every day to give me a boost of extra nutrients and to hold me over until lunch. In my world, a smoothie is always an “add-on” to my meals and not an “instead of.” I have two favorite bases for my smoothies that I will alternate depending on what fruits and veggies I am craving. I have noticed a considerable decrease in afternoon cravings after following this routine.

My favorite smoothies include creamy cherry or vanilla berry smoothie that tastes and looks just like a milkshake.

Did you know that without the proper formula, smoothies are basically a blood sugar explosion waiting to happen? It is crucial to cover basic macro-nutrients appropriately. Quality fat, protein, and carbohydrates are the most critical pieces of the smoothie puzzle.

Fat by itself has little to no effect on blood sugar. However, when eaten in combination with protein and carbohydrates, fat slows down the absorption of these foods, which helps the body to avoid huge spikes in blood sugar. It is also important to remember that the smoothie’s fat portion keeps you satisfied.

Protein works along with fat for satiation, and eaten in a moderate amount also keeps the blood sugar stable.

Carbohydrates, the carbohydrates’ fiber, act just like fat and slow down the process of sugar absorption in the body. Moreover, fiber is also great because it promotes a healthy gut microbiome population, and detoxification, and helps to maintain the integrity of the gut lining.

These ingredients are some of my favorites to add to my smoothies for an additional nutrient punch.

nourishing foods


My favorite meal is a deliciously perfectly grilled piece of steak. It leaves my body feeling so satisfied every single time. It is incredibly important that women who are in their childbearing years consume enough iron-rich foods, particularly from animal sources. The heme-iron from animals is more bio-available and more easily absorbed in the body.

Did you know pastured beef contains more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally raised beef? Pastured-raised red meat should not be feared and should be a part of healthy eating habits.

Eating healthy and nourishing foods doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complicated. You can make it as simple or complex as you desire – but start with real whole foods you enjoy eating and bring joy to the entire experience. Nourishment and enjoyment can co-exist in a healthy lifestyle.


Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is for educational purposes only.

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