4 Ways To Stick To New Healthy Habits (Even If Other’s Don’t Agree)

Sep 21, 2020

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Last updated on May 17th, 2023 at 01:58 pm

Have you ever noticed that most people won’t bat an eye when you consume all the junk food in the world? However, when you decide to make healthier choices or create new healthy habits, everyone suddenly hones in on what you are doing. Basically, criticizing you and making you feel silly and small? I always wonder why?

Breaking bad habits and replacing them with new healthy habits is extremely difficult. The people we surround ourselves with often make the task seem even more daunting. So, we can all agree that most of us have had moments of being ready to break certain habits. However, we shy away from it because we consider what others may think, do, or say.

new healthy habits

When I started this wellness journey. Basically, overhauling my lifestyle and diet while moving towards a more sustainable and enjoyable approach. I stressed a lot about what everyone else would think. In fact, I even kept some of it a secret at first. However, as time passed, I realized it honestly didn’t matter. As long as my husband and I agree and support our decisions, that matters most to me.

Our society places so much value on what everyone else might think about our actions, healthy eating, finances, emotions, new healthy habits, and everything else. This always makes me wonder why we care so much when our lives differ.

I believe we need to show love and grace towards others, but staying true to what we believe and know is best for our families and us is even more important. It becomes such a dangerous slippery slope when we allow others to criticize our new healthy habits constantly. Especially when we know they are positive and in our best interest.

Over the last few years, I have learned to speak up and stand up to those who disagree and disrespect my healthy habits.  But let me just say that it is super empowering.


It is really important to surround yourself with people who care for you, your healthy choices, and everything else. When new habits are fragile and in the beginning phases, the negativity and criticism from others can be detrimental. Bringing you down and, even worse, reversing some of your hard and diligent work.

Ultimately, your life is yours, and you are responsible for yourself and your decisions. So stand firm, and show up for yourself because, unfortunately, no one cares about your health but you.

new healthy habits

So how do you stand firm in your convictions and new healthy habits when surrounded by all the negative criticism?

Know the “why” behind the changes you are making

Take all the time to research and know why you are choosing new healthy habits, eating healthier, using better skincare and cleaning products, or eliminating stress. It is much easier to stick to your decisions and goals when you have factual knowledge and personal care instead of trying to convince yourself to align with your social media friend’s “why.” This approach will also make it easier to clearly communicate your why to others, which will help solidify your new healthy habits. Furthermore, it will also inspire you to continue making these positive changes daily.

Keep your goals and the big picture of your life in mind

The decisions you make today (both good and bad) will impact your future – that is a fact.

When I went on my first healing protocol, people were abrasive and assumed I was trying to lose weight. Meanwhile, I was trying to stay alive and make it through the day. I have visibly seen the positive effects of our healthy lifestyle on myself and my family.

When something becomes almost all-consuming to me, I have been trying to step back and ask myself if my current work will be worth it tomorrow or in years to come. This approach has been beneficial in regaining my perspective on what truly matters.

Understand that most people are just jealous or insecure about their own decisions

I firmly believe that most people criticizing others who implement new healthy habits are jealous. There is no way around it. There could be many reasons – maybe they aren’t confident in their own skin, perhaps they have tried and failed, maybe they have too much time on their hands, or perhaps they simply resent you for having the discipline to stick to your healthy choices. It all boils down to jealousy.

Someone else’s jealousy should never ever hinder your life decisions.

Stop comparing yourself and your unique circumstances to others

Even before the age of social media, the reality has always been that we don’t know the entire story most of the time.

Comparison is a one-way ticket to set yourself up for misery and failure. It is easy to look at other people and compare yourself to them – or think, “Wow, she lost weight so quickly,” or “She seems to have it all together.”

Comparing yourself to others doesn’t and never will change your story. In fact, it only takes unnecessary effort and energy you could redirect to the new healthy habits you’d like to implement. Investing your time and energy into making the best decisions for you and your family is more important.

Our stories – the successes and failures – all of it is beautiful and unique – because it is uniquely ours, so live it!

Creating and implementing new healthy habits will be uniquely individual, as we all have different goals, values, and long-term desires. The best part, however, is that it doesn’t have to be complicated, just like all my other health and wellness advice. Any small and intentional step is absolutely worth celebrating.


Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is for educational purposes only.

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