10 Delicious and Healthy Smoothie Ingredients You Haven’t Tried Yet

Aug 10, 2020

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Last updated on May 10th, 2023 at 03:21 pm

If you have been around me for any length of time, you know that I am obsessed with smoothies, and it is one of my favorite things to add to my already existing meals – I want to be clear that I don’t use smoothies as a meal replacement. I love focusing on it as “an add-on, ” not “an instead of.”  All in all, using delicious and healthy smoothie ingredients is the ultimate game-changer.

Smoothies are a great and super-easy way to get in many nutrients simultaneously. So, I am always looking for ways to buff up the nutritional value of my smoothies beyond the basics.

healthy smoothie ingredients

Here are my top 10 of my favorite healthy smoothie ingredients


Instead of using sugar-filled processed juices, upgrade to raw milk, raw cream, plain yogurt, or kefir. These foods will add a lot of valuable nutrients, such as probiotics, vitamin A, vitamin D, fatty acids (CLA), and iodine.
Other options: coconut water, coconut milk, freshly squeezed orange juice, or other homemade juices.

Collagen Peptides

Add a scoop (or two) of collagen peptides for extra protein. This nutrient is also a great powerhouse for the gut, skin, nails, and hair. Additionally, collagen is generally laced in glyphosate (aka round up), which accumulates in the body and causes dysfunction. Always look for collagen with the “Glyphosate Residue Free” certification.

Nuts & Seeds

Adding a handful of soaked or sprouted nuts or seeds is another great way to add extra minerals to smoothies. My favorites are hemp, chia, pumpkin seeds, and cashews. Another trick is to leave them in a little bowl covered in water overnight to help them blend more smoothly.

Bee Pollen

A little sprinkle of bee pollen in the smoothie or on top (for a crunch) is a fun way to add some additional B-complex and folate. Want to know why else bee pollen is incredible? It is great for natural allergy relief, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, lipids, fatty acids, enzymes, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids. Above all, this makes bee pollen a great antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral agent that helps strengthen the capillaries, reduces inflammation, stimulates the immune system, and lowers cholesterol levels naturally. This is my all-time favorite.

healthy smoothie ingredients


Adding half of an avocado is a fantastic way to add some extra vitamin C, B6, and healthy fats to your smoothie. Bonus points for the added creaminess.


Add steamed (and then frozen) cauliflower to your smoothie is another great way to add extra nutrients.  By nature, cauliflower is high in fiber and B vitamins.

Cacao Nibs

Adds a deliciously smoky chocolaty flavor to smoothies. It is excellent for adding a little bit of texture to your smoothie and additional potassium and magnesium.

Egg Yolk

Adding a pastured organic egg yolk is a great way to buff up the nutritional value of your smoothie. Egg yolks are rich in vitamins A, D, B6, B12, and choline. Moreover, it adds a nice creaminess to smoothies, and the best part is you can’t taste it all. I recommend eating raw egg yolks from pastured eggs produced by healthy hens.

Coconut Oil

Adding a spoonful of coconut oil is a fantastic way to add healthy saturated fats. After all, this makes the smoothie more filling.

Leafy Greens

I recommend eating leafy greens. An easy step is to cook the greens, drain them, and freeze them in silicone molds or ice cube trays. Afterward, simply pop the frozen greens right into your smoothie. As a matter of fact, you can do this with spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, mustard, and dandelion greens.


Other nutrient-dense smoothie extras:

As shown above, you can see that using healthy smoothie ingredients can add quite the nutritional punch. In conclusion, healthy homemade smoothies are one of my favorite tools in my real food kitchen and alongside a healthy lifestyle.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is for educational purposes only.


If you’d like more smoothie recipes, download my free guide, “The Complete Smoothie Making Guide.”


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