Meet The Plant | Blueberries

Jul 5, 2021

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Last updated on November 9th, 2021 at 02:10 pm

Berry season is my favorite season, in fact, I will stock up on berries in the summer and freeze them so that we can enjoy them all winter long.

Did you know that blueberries are actually native to North America?  These tiny but powerful berries have long been valued for their nutritional and medicinal properties.  They are full of antibacterial compounds that can help fight off the stomach bug.  They also have the highest levels of antioxidants per serving of any other food.

meet the plant blueberries 3

What are blueberries good for?

Healthy eyesight
Anthocyanins (a flavonoid pigment) can help improve and protect eyesight by protecting the eye against retinal degeneration.  Blueberries also contain collagen-enhancing properties which may be able to prevent eye conditions like glaucoma.

Blueberries are a concentrated rich source of proanthocyanidin compounds that can slow the growth and spread of many cancers.

Improved memory
Blueberries may have a very positive effect on the nervous system.  There are also studies that show blueberries can increase levels of dopamine (a neurotransmitter) which helps with memory improvement and decreases cognitive decline.

Gut health
Blueberries contain anthocyanins (a flavonoid) and antibacterial antioxidants that can be very effective against causes of gastroenteritis.  It can also be helpful in combating the bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Urinary tract infections
There are recent studies that have confirmed the usefulness of blueberries in the treatment of UTIs.

How to get the most from your blueberries?

Buy organic.  Blueberries are on the “dirty dozen list” which is a list of the fruits that generally have the most pesticide residue.  Prioritizing organic is the only way to avoid chemical contamination.
Use the leaves.  Blueberry leaves contain similar levels of antioxidants.

How to make tea from blueberry leaves?

  Simply place a handful of fresh blueberry leaves into a glass jar or teapot.
  Cover the leaves with boiling water and allow them to steep for 10-15 minutes.
  Strain and serve.

Please note: you can also make a delicious and effective herbal infusion with dried blueberry leaves when fresh isn’t available.


Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.


I get all my dried herbs and mushroom powders from Mountain Rose Herbs!

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