5 Signs Of Adrenal Fatigue And What You Can Do About It

Aug 24, 2020

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Last updated on May 11th, 2023 at 01:48 pm

We have all been in positions where we wish we had more energy (and a few more hours in the day), trying to pull all the strings in finding out the reason for pure exhaustion and emotional dysfunction.  Enter adrenal dysfunction.  After all, chronic exhaustion is one of the tell-tale adrenal fatigue signs.

It always seems like a never-ending cycle to figure out how to get more done while having sufficient energy to keep up with the demand of all the daily responsibilities.  But what If I told you didn’t have to be this way?  That awareness can bring clarity and restore your energy and zest for life.


The best news is that you can live a life filled with energy and focus.  Furthermore, many uncomfortable and frustrating symptoms can lead back to adrenal fatigue and undernourished.

If you are unsure what adrenal fatigue is or if it is something that you think you are struggling with – you can learn more here.

5 Adrenal fatigue signs and what you can do about it

You find it difficult to lose weight, despite doing everything “right and according to the rules”

When your stress hormones are always in “fight mode” (sympathetic nervous system mode), the body senses danger and works harder to protect itself.  This is a natural and amazing part of how the body works and responds.  When this stress response becomes chronic, weight gain (particularly in the waistline) and difficulty losing weight are common occurrences.  Moreover, your body doesn’t distinguish between a particularly stressful day or a famine coming.  After all, its only concern is protecting and keeping you alive.

Action steps | Decrease your artificial sweetener, sugar, and processed carbohydrate consumption.  Furthermore, sugar requires insulin to convert into a usable form of energy, and insulin is a fat-storage hormone.  Additionally, nourishing whole-food carbohydrates is so important, especially for women.  Therefore, incorporate lots of cooked vegetables and starches like root vegetables.  Always add healthy fats to your vegetables to help keep your blood sugar stable.

You have uncontrollable sugar, caffeine, and salt cravings

Salt cravings are one of the most common adrenal fatigue signs.  You might be wondering why?  In this case, one of the functions of the adrenal glands is to control the sodium-potassium levels and, therefore, the fluid balance within the body, which also helps to regulate blood sugar.  Furthermore, a steroid hormone, aldosterone, produced by the adrenal glands, is responsible for this process.  When the adrenal glands are weakened, thanks to chronic stress hormone output, consuming real mineral-rich salt is essential to help replenish the body’s mineral stores.

Action steps  | Avoid artificial sugars and sweeteners, and increase your intake of pure, mineral-rich sea salt.  This step is important to replenish your mineral stores.  Because it will give your adrenal glands the building blocks and support they need.  Always remember that minerals are the body’s spark plugs.  Eating nutrient-dense real food will fuel your body, keep your blood sugar stable, and provide energy.

You’ve experienced physical or emotional trauma

I don’t think we really understand and grasp the power of trauma and how it can affect us for years (and, in some cases, even decades).  Trauma can be classified as a form of high-intensity stress.  Moreover, it can continue to linger in the background if it is never fully addressed.  Emotional trauma can be especially tough to deal with because we are often unaware of it and how certain situations may have impacted us.  The body can hold onto these past unaddressed traumas (unbeknownst to us) and continue in a cycle of constant chronic stress.

Action steps  | I am not a therapist and, therefore, no expert in this department, but getting help from a professional therapist, counselor, or coach is very beneficial.  Journaling your story and thinking through your traumas can also bring a healing component to your story.  Always seek professional help when needed!

adrenal fatigue signs

You constantly feel overwhelmed, panicked, and/or anxious

Our bodies are brilliantly designed – the stress response system especially – but stress is designed to pass, not linger (and for most of us, it lingers.) Furthermore, we are supposed to perceive the stress, handle it, and then go into relaxation mode after we work through it, and it is no longer a threat.  The problem occurs when our stress response is constantly activated (hello, modern living), escalating into overdrive.  So, the body and hormones are stuck in survival mode, and you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, panicked, irritable, and even anxious.

Action steps | Take one whole minute for deep restorative breaths and change your environment.  Go outside, press pause – and come back with a new or fresh perspective.  If you feel overwhelmed, take a few minutes to restructure and organize how you will spend your next few hours.  The reality is that once adrenal fatigue is addressed and resolved and healing occurs, all these symptoms will automatically decrease.

You wake up with a headache or feeling exhausted regardless of how many hours you slept

You wake up feeling like a train wreck or hungover, even with no alcohol involved, irritable, or exhausted several times a week.  Adrenal fatigue is more than likely a root issue here.  This is often due to tossing and turning all night and never reaching that deep restorative sleep.  When you suffer from adrenal fatigue, your circadian rhythm is completely confused and causes total dysfunction between your awake hormone (cortisol) and your sleepy hormone (melatonin.) It is prevalent with adrenal fatigue to have a higher melatonin count in the morning, causing you to feel exhausted even after waking up.  Also, morning headaches are another of the most common adrenal fatigue signs.

Action steps | Restorative deep sleep is often the last missing piece of the puzzle; it takes time and dedication.  Cultivating a good nighttime routine is key; avoid stress, negativity, loud noises, and bright lights an hour before bed.  Take a magnesium flakes bath, use magnesium lotion, and take a magnesium supplement.  I love Smidge Morning and Evening Magnesium (available on my Fullscript dispensary) and this liquid form.  Additionally, many people benefit from CBD oil before bed.  It is imperative to prioritize going to bed early when you are healing to avoid spiking and raising your energy levels at night.

As seen above, adrenal fatigue can be pretty brutal.  However, understanding the many adrenal fatigue signs and knowing how to support and heal your body is key.  This process is generally very long and tedious but worth it, especially if you have energy and emotional stability.  Start small because every little step counts towards the bigger picture.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and is for educational purposes only.

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